"With expertise and special empathy, trust is built in the medically necessary measure - no matter how drastic it may be."

Silvia R., 68 years


Due to an elevated thyroglobulin level - indicating thyroid cancer - I came to the Schilddrüsenzentrum Berlin in 2019 for a medical history and clarification of the further medical steps required.

Diagnosis & therapy

Since, with the exception of the greatly increased thyroglobulin level and the enlarged thyroid gland, neither the preliminary internal examination nor the lack of complaints indicated malignancy, further sonographies and fine needle punctures were performed at the Schilddrüsen-Zentrum Berlin. In addition, the findings were confirmed by temporary administration of thyroxine.


As the thyroglobulin level continued to rise despite taking L-Thyroxin and the puncture could not confirm the presence of a benign nodule, I was advised to have thyroid surgery. Based on the - as it turned out - correct advice and a good recommendation, the surgeon removed my entire thyroid gland with a follicular thyroid carcinoma.

Since November 2019, I have been living without a thyroid gland, but thanks to the good aftercare and adjustment with L-Thyroxin, I am also living without cancer in my body.